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自九十年代初,我公司的研发技术骨干就专注于系列氨基酸微量元素螯(络)合物的研究、开发、生产、应用, 我可以高兴地告诉大家:我们的产品(单体氨基酸螯合物、复合氨基酸螯合物和氨基酸螯合微量元素组合体)已通过 美国相关试验室的检测并已成功出口, 表明我们已掌握关键螯(络)合技术, 更重要的是, 从此国内市场有了国际水平 的氨基酸螯合微量元素饲料添加剂.

我深知:只有我们的产品在市场上的成功, 才是 旭卫 最终的成功,我将竭尽全力与客户、原料供应商、 销售商和我的同事进行广泛合作与交流,以推进氨基酸螯合微量元素的应用和服务,创造互利多赢的局面.

最后, 我要感谢公司管理团队对我的支持与信任。我承诺一定将 旭卫 带向辉煌的明天 !.
President’s Address

Currently in China, Ration formulation is becoming more and more sophisticated as we attempt to balance rations to support higher and higher levels of production. Much emphasis is placed on balancing the protein, carbohydrate and fat fractions of the diet. However, less attention has been focused on the mineral specifications, especially the trace mineral portion. In the past 30 years, animal nutritionists in United States have studied and recognized/defined the role of trace mineral, trace minerals play a key role in many enzyme/immune systems and consequently have a significant impact on animal performance, we are behind them in the study and application for about 30-40 years.

Since 90’s, our experts and technician have been dedicating to the research, development, production and application of trace mineral complexes products, it’s my pleasure to announce that our products (SUNA-M-Zn Zinc Methionine, Metal Amino Acid Complexes and Combination of Complexes)has passed the related tests conducted by lab in U.S.A and exported to North America, this is the indicator which can prove we have mastered the core trace minerals chelated technology , the more important is , from now on, home market has cost-effective products with advanced international levels.

I do understand that the more successful our products market of China is , the more successful Sunwe is. I wil try my best to facilitate different ways of cooperation and communication with our customers, suppliers and my colleagues . I believe that your effort and support may push the service of application of trace mineral ahead and create an all-win situation to all the participating parties.

At the end, I ‘d like to take this opportunity to express my appreciations to our team which have been continuously providing their support and trust to me. It is my promise to contribute myself to lead Sunwe to the success .